Always break your drag loose before that first cast.
It seems that the first cast is always the most important.
Don't break off the most important fish of the day.
Keep those batteries charged and those hooks sharp!
Change your line regularly and set your drag off your rod tip,
just as you would if you had a fish on.
The last cast is as important as the first, work that lure like it was the first
cast of the day.
Wear your life jackets because they can save your life,
they're not there to get in the way!
Please put old fishing line in boat and don't throw it out.
It can cause lots of problems if it gets in your prop.
(Store that old line, don't trash it in the lake we fish in.)
When a road trip is in order:
Check your wheel bearings, chains and tires.
Check you spare tire.
Check your tow vehicle for oil, water and tires too!
If you get there and back safe with no break downs, you have had a good day